Your college life can be quite tough at times, especially in your first year. Your seniors may try to humiliate you for their entertainment. This is bullying, and sadly, it still happens in many colleges. Such incidents badly affect a student’s self-esteem and confidence. Ultimately, it becomes a lot harder for them to socialise with people. So, if someone bullies you in college, try your best to escape the situation and report the incident to your college’s management.
However, if authorities are out of your reach, our experts, who provide the best help with essay writing UK will discuss methods for dealing with bullies in college:
1. Ignore the Bully
Let’s say you just entered college, and while passing by the hallway, a bunch of bullies try to call you out in public. In such cases, ignoring them is the best thing you can do. By giving them attention, you’re fulfilling their objective. When the victim doesn’t react, the bullies will shift their focus towards something else. However, you should only ignore the bullies if their insults are harmless. If they victimise and humiliate you, you shouldn’t let the bullies get away with their actions. Report to the college administration about the incidents, and they’ll handle such matters perfectly.
2. Stand Tall
You have done nothing wrong. So, if a bully calls you out and comes up to you, there’s no reason for you to be afraid. Stand tall and proud. While we don’t recommend answering the bully with aggression, you can show them that you couldn’t care less about them and don’t fear them. When you are confident and strong, no bully will have the guts to mess with you further. Remember, avoid choosing violence as an option to teach the bully a lesson. Otherwise, despite being the victim in this situation, the college administration will have no choice but to take disciplinary action against you.
3. Get Support
In college, you can’t survive alone. You need to make friends. Not only will they help you out in your studies, but when you get outnumbered by bullies, they might intervene on your behalf and end the conflict for good. So, if a bully is making college life difficult for you, seek help from a senior friend or professor. They can handle the matter maturely without escalating things. Authoritative figures in college like professors, counsellors, and supervisors can provide both parties with the best solution to put an end to the dispute. Moreover, it will keep the bullies in check as the authorities will likely keep a close eye on them. This way, you’ll be protected from their malicious antics in the future, as well.
4. Encourage Other Victims
You should also stand against bullying if someone else is the victim. In college, you should help your classmates and fellow students out. Bullying can be a traumatising experience for those who’re at the receiving end. So, show your support and motivate other victims to seek help if they constantly get bullied in college. The reason why most victims accept bullying is that they don’t trust anyone with their problems. Hence, they avoid seeking help or even talking about their problems. So, if you’re not comfortable or capable enough to help such students out on your own, report the matter to the college administration or your professors.
5. Ensure Your College Communicates Campus Policy
Bullying and ragging incidents often happen due to a lack of rule enforcement. If the college administration is too lenient towards bullying, then such incidents will only increase and get more violent with time. So, this is the college administration’s responsibility to ensure strict consequences regarding these unethical activities. There should be a well-defined policy regarding bullying and other violent actions. Also, the administration should communicate these rules to professors, students, and instructors through posters, brochures, or notices. They should show students that no one can get away with bullying and there are serious punishments for such offences.
6. Understand the Triggers and Get Support
To end the bullying, you should understand the triggers causing it. Sometimes, students bully others out of their own insecurities, racism, or pure hatred. For example, a big guy in your class who’s great in sports but bad in studies asked to cheat on you during exams. As a good student, you refused and concentrated on your paper. This might have angered the big guy, which might be why he is bullying you. So, to end the conflict, you should accompany someone with authority who can protect or support you and try to talk some sense to the bully. They can discuss the reason behind the bully’s hostile behaviour and explain why you don’t deserve it. Moreover, this neutral intermediary can also help the bully face their fallings and channel their energy into something positive.
7. Report Criminal Acts to Community or Campus Law Enforcement Departments
You shouldn’t continue suffering if the bully is getting violent with you and is threatening to harm you. If you’re physically unable to protect yourself, you should seek help because such bullies might also try to harm you after college. Hence, you should do everything possible to end this conflict and ensure the bully gets the punishment they richly deserve. So, if you have been beaten up in college, report the incident to the campus management immediately. Moreover, if the bully is following you after classes, threatening to harm your life, or beating you up again, you should contact community law enforcement agencies or the local police.
8. Learn Self-Defense
So, how do you stop a bully if you don’t get the opportunity to call any on-campus authoritative figure or law enforcement officer for help? Well, you can do it by fighting back. We only recommend you choose violence if you’re getting beaten up and have to defend yourself. You should have the necessary self-defence skills to stay safe in a hostile environment. Once you fight back and hurt the bully, they might not come back to mess with you because most bullies like messing with individuals who cannot protect or fight for themselves.
Bullying is not the only reason why college students suffer from mental issues like depression, stress, and anxiety. Low grades can also make them feel terrible about themselves. It’s difficult for them to turn in dozens of assignments and essays before short deadlines without compromising on quality. This is why thousands of students contact our experts to get help with essay writing UK. Why? Because we provide the best professional essay writing services UK. It’s the best way to improve academic performance.