The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over 1400 years ago and since then it has been translated. Into hundreds of languages and read by millions of people. Even with so much attention, there are still many shocking facts in the Quran that most people aren’t aware of. This article will explain 8 Shocking Facts in Quran that will leave you speechless. Read on!
1) The Quran contains no contradictions
One of many remarkable things about the Quran is that it is free from internal contradictions. Despite comprising 114 chapters spanning some three-thousand verses, there are no apparent contradictions between any two passages. The text flows beautifully from start to finish, and its messages are communicated with lucidity and grace. This quality makes for an enjoyable reading experience, but also bolsters its authenticity as a Divine revelation. No human could have authored such a masterpiece; only God could have made such a flawless compilation.
2) It mentions scientific details that scientists didn’t discover until centuries later
When speaking about details about things like embryology and human reproduction that aren’t exactly easy to find in a book of religious text. Critics will often downplay them by saying something along the lines of yeah but they didn’t have microscopes back then. But how do you explain passages like: It is He Who has made everything which. He has created good, and He began the creation of man from clay. And behold, your Lord said to the angels, I will create a human being out of clay from an altered black smooth mud. So when I have proportioned him and breathed into him (Adam) of My Spirit, fall you down prostrating yourselves unto him.
3) Quranic Arabic is the purest form of Arabic
There is one thing that all linguists, regardless of their linguistic school of thought, agree upon. Quranic Arabic is a pure form of Arabic without any foreign influence on it. Since Muhammad received it through revelation from Allah, who created language. There was no way for it to have any foreign influence on it. When you study what came before and after Quranic Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic). You can see that there are many foreign words that were introduced into spoken and written language throughout history. The only pure form of Arabic is Quranic Arabic! That’s why someone who speaks Quranic Arabic fluently can read something written in Classical Arabic (found in books prior to 200 years ago) or even older Pre-Islamic poetry and still understand every word!
4) No man could have written it
The Quran was written over 1,400 years ago and has been translated into more than 70 languages. Despite its age, it continues to be one of most popular religious books ever written. It’s also considered a literary masterpiece—and there’s a good reason for that. The Qur’an is arguably one of greatest works of literature ever created. This is due to its stunning use of language and its nearly unrivaled command of storytelling technique—among other reasons. Some experts argue that these characteristics are simply too unique to have been produced by an ordinary man during his lifetime. Others believe that no man could have understood or mastered such complex concepts. As those found in certain parts of the book without divine inspiration from God himself (which means God inspired it). Here’s why…

5) Its mathematical structure has been described as a miracle
The Arabic text of just one verse, an ayah (Koran chapter) consists of 28-29 letters, giving a total of between 286 and 288 letters for each ayah. The total number of all Arabic letters and signs is exactly equal to the number 19. Any person who counts these letters will always find either a multiple of 19 or a multiple followed by one or more zeros. For example, if we take any sura (Koran chapter), it will always have either 19 ayahs or else 8 x 9 + 1 = 77 ayahs and never 10 x 9 + 2 = 98 or 20 x 8 + 3 = 112 etc.
6) It accurately predicted scientific facts centuries before they were discovered
The Big Bang theory. The expansion of universe. The creation of life from water. Mountains being placed on earth for protection. The existence of inter-galactic space travel and more! It was written by a man who had never traveled further than 50 miles away from his home town: Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born into poverty in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, where he lived until he was 25 years old.
He then went to work as a merchant for 13 years before beginning to receive divine revelations that would eventually form into what is now known as Islam’s sacred book, The Holy Qur’an. This book contains 114 chapters or suras and is believed to have been revealed over a period of 23 years. It has no errors: Many people mistakenly believe that Muslims are taught not to question anything written in their holy book. But nothing could be further from the truth.
7) The Quran describes how creation occurred
The Quran is God’s final revelation. It explains in detail how our world was created. Modern scientific techniques and knowledge support what is written in The Quran. Take, for instance, its explanation of how creation occurred: We (God) willed to show mercy to those whom We had endowed with blessings… It also says that your Guardian-Lord is Allah…who created the heavens and earth…and made all things good which He created. And He began the creation of man from clay; And made his progeny from a quintessence of nature, Which perished not nor could be corrupted. Both of these statements provide details that coincide with modern science.
8) It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) over a period of 23 years
The Qur’an, which literally means recitation, is a collection of divine revelations that were sent to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by God through Jibreel (Gabriel). Each of these verses was revealed to him gradually over a period of several years. Following Muhammad’s death in 632 A.D., it was compiled and memorized by his followers and then documented by scribes on various materials including skins, bones, palm leaves, and paper. It has been perfectly preserved since then for more than 1400 years. As it has remained unchanged through centuries of transmission from generation to generation. This miracle is witnessed by millions all over the world who continue to recite its verses with utmost reverence and respect.